and be welcomed by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender friends you didn’t even know you had!
america’s premier summer camp
for lgbtq+ adults starts in just…
An all-inclusive week of great fun and new friends.
Get to know our friendly, inclusive gay community – and then join us for the best time ever!
Our mission: To provide a welcoming and safe space in a beautiful, natural setting where LGBTQ+ adults may enjoy creative, social, outdoor, group and/or individual activities of their own choosing, and which fosters a sense of community.
It is a week where your face hurts when you leave because you laughed and smiled so much. It is a week that invigorates you and makes you want to carry the acceptance, happiness, honesty and caring to those in our outside worlds.
The people and the activities were the best. Everyone was so friendly and open I just met some amazing people…
‘Camp’ Camp is a safe, embracing, loving, exciting, entertaining, outgoing, respectful, joyful, honest space. I cannot pass that up.
The week at ‘Camp’ Camp is hands-down the most powerful week of the year for me in terms of feeding my soul.
This place changed my life. I am a better person because of Camp.
I laughed and smiled more in one week at ‘Camp’ Camp than in the entire rest of the year. It was so inclusive and supportive and filled with utter joy!
Totally fabulous. …The spirit of Camp is so joyful and fun and silly and accepting all at once.
It’s a magical place, made up of the kindest people, the warmest, most supportive culture, offering the funnest activities, in the most beautiful setting, and it is still somehow so much more than that. …if I didn’t return, I would feel like something really special and important in my life was missing.
It’s affordable and awesome!
This was one of the best weeks of my life. No drama, no gimmicks, just fun and love and acceptance. I came in knowing no one and left with 200+ new friends. I want to bring all my queer friends so they can all have their own unique and wonderful experiences at this wonderful queer utopia.
Why do 75% of the people who come to Camp return for another year or more? There are a million little reasons ‘Camp’ Camp has earned its tagline “Best Time Ever!” but this brochure gives you 7 big ones!