Let nature inspire you while you enjoy a variety of traditional summer camp arts & crafts — and unearth your hidden creativity. Whether your creative side has been buried or is just waiting to be unleashed, you’ll find something to spark your imagination and (re)discover the joy of artistic expression.
arts & crafts
- Acting: Scream Queens
- Acting: Famous Fights
- Art: Block Printing
- Art: Creative Collage
- Art: Figure Drawing
- Art: Mandalas
- Art: Oil Painting
- Beauty Parlour
- Broadway Dance
- Chainmaille
- Cross Stitch
- Dance
- Knitting & Crocheting
- LGBTQ History
- LGBTQ History: Spotlight on ’70’s Sisterhood
- LGBTQ History: Stay Out of My Bedroom
- LGBTQ History: Today’s Trans Kids
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Model Rockets & Saucers
- Pottery
- Stained Glass
- Theatre: Improv/Theatre Games
- Theatre: Shakespeare’s Naughty Bits
- Theatre: Spoken Wordshop
- Tie-Dye
- Writing
- Zentangle
Visit our Activities page for an extended list of past activities we’ve offered — including our evening social events and sports & recreation offerings — along with links to some recent years’ Activities Schedule & Descriptions from Camper Registration Packets.